We love working with our customers, whether you are a Gallery owner, the organiser of an Art Class or someone who enjoys Amanda’s Art, and we want you to be informed about what we do with your personal data. This Privacy Notice will let you know exactly what happens to your personal data and how we keep it safe and secure.
We’ll update this Privacy Notice from time to time, so please do check back in to stay informed.
Who are we?
We are Amanda Hoskin, the owner of Amanda Hoskin Art. Our ICO Registration Number is A8961230. We are a Data Controller as defined by the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.
You can contact us on Facebook at Amanda hoskin Art or through my Gallery representatives.
What about your Personal Data?
When you visit our website:
We use Cookies on the website which collect various types of personal data. The types of data obtained about you may include your visits to our website; page views, downloads, navigation and exit; IP address; geographical location; browser type and version; operating system; referral source; length of Your visit.
Some of these cookies are necessary to ensure that the website works correctly, however, we only use the cookies such as analytic cookies within the Wix system. We don’t use any other third party cookies.
Our website may contain links to other external websites. We aren’t responsible for the practices, policies or content of such websites and suggest that you check their privacy policies to ensure that you are happy to continue browsing. For more information see our Terms of Use.
When you become one of our Gallery Customers:
We will process your:
Name and/or Business Name
Contact Details (including, email address, phone number and postal address)
This is so that we can fulfil our contract to you to provide you with Art for your Gallery.
When you are organising an Art Class:
We will process your:
Name and/or Business Name
Contact Details (including email address, phone number and postal address)
This is so that we can organise and fulfil our contract to you to provide teaching to your students. We won’t be processing the personal data of your students.
When you are a customer contacting us via social media:
We will process your:
Postal Address
Occasionally we inform our customers via Facebook Wall that catalogues are available from us free of charge. We invite you to send us a direct message with your details so that we can send these out. We don’t keep a record of your name and only use this for the purpose of posting to you. We then delete the message for the purposes of security.
If you send us an enquiry via email, social media or the website: We will answer your enquiry and enter into correspondence with you.
How long do we keep your Personal Data:
Records of purchases: We will keep these for 7 years according to HMRC guidelines on our online secure system. Any paper records are shredded when no longer needed.
Enquiries: We’ll keep this as long as is necessary and then for a further 12 months.
Any paper records are shredded when no longer needed.
When we use Legitimate Interest, we will have done an assessment to make sure that we aren’t infringing on your rights.
What communications will you receive from us?
Non-Marketing Communications
If you are exhibiting our Art in your Gallery: we might contact you by phone, text or email to arrange pickups, deliveries and any other logistics relating to exhibitions.
Marketing Communications
If you are one of our Gallery customers or a prospective Gallery customer:
We would like to send you marketing emails if we feel that our services would be beneficial to you. These would be occasional and proportionate, and you are free to opt out at any point.
We will be using legitimate interest as a legal basis for marketing communications. We have carried out an assessment to ensure that we have a lawful right to do so. However, you are free to object to us marketing to you in this way. If this is the case, you can get in touch with us and we will ensure that your name is removed from the marketing list.
What sort of Marketing do we do?
We use social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We occasionally use paid advertising within these platforms. If we use custom audiences and transfer your personal data from our database, we will only do this with your express consent. If you choose to follow us on our social media sites, we will see your name and such details as you choose to disclose.
Who do we share your data with?
We are very careful about who we share your personal data with. We make sure that the organisations we work with, such as couriers, take your personal data as seriously as we do. We would never share your data with third parties for marketing activity without your express consent.
The organisations we share data with are:
Couriers, and Postal Services, IT company, Webhosts, Marketing Consultancy, our Accountant, Bookkeeper, Accounting package and Solicitor (if required).] We use Microsoft and DropBox within the business to communicate and make sure we run efficiently.
Our Social Media:
We have the following accounts: Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. You can find a copy of our Privacy Notice on our Facebook Page.
Do we transfer your personal data outside of the UK/EEA?
The systems, apps and third parties we use that are outside of the UK/EEA have the proper safeguards in place.
What are your rights
You have a right:
To be Informed about how we process your personal data
To have access to your personal data
To have any necessary rectification of your personal data made
To have your personal data erased in certain circumstances
To have your personal data copied and sent to a third party (portability)
To object to us processing your personal data (eg: you can withdraw your consent to marketing communications)
To restrict our use of your personal data
You have a right to know about automated processing (We don’t do any automated processing)
What to do if you have a question
If you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact us in the first instance on Amanda-art@live.com.
You can get in touch with the ICO directly here
Data Protection Legislation relating to this Privacy Notice:
UK General Data Protection Regulation
Data Protection Act 2018;
Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003;
This Privacy Notice was last updated in May 2021